solar Victoria bushfire assistanceAs the current bushfires continue to cause destruction and misfortune to many Australian’s, Solar Victoria is lending a helping hand to their existing applicants, customers as well as businesses who have been impacted and are in financial hardship due to the outcome of the fires.

Who Can Seek Assistance?

Solar Victoria is aiding applicants and existing customers who’ve been impacted by the bushfires and fall under the following scenarios;

  • Have a Solar Homes loan
  • Have an open or approved application with Solar Victoria
  • Installed a solar power system with a Solar Homes rebate and the property or solar power system has since been destroyed or damaged by the bushfires

Some assistance being offered includes pausing the repayments for Solar Homes loans for people living in bushfire affected areas and providing extensions for applications and installations, however, people are encouraged to contact Solar Victoria to see how they can be further assisted.

Businesses who are unable to work or had their premises damaged as a result of the fires are also being urged to contact Solar Victoria for support.

Donate To Assist Australians Who Have Been Affected

If you’ve been fortunate enough to not be heavily impacted by the current Australian bushfires, you can help those in need by donating. The Victorian Government has partnered with Bendigo Bank and The Salvation Army to establish the Victorian Bushfire Appeal. 100% of donated funds will go directly to communities in need.

Donations to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal can be made online at Community Enterprise Foundation or at any Bendigo Bank branch.

Learn more about Solar Victoria’s, Solar Homes Program and Rebates Available